THE smartest guy in town

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Harry Schroeder – THE smartest guy in town

Harry performing one of his favorite Duke Ellington’s arrangements with the Paradise Big Band at the Tennessee Williams Theatre

Legendary Key West musician Harry Schroeder passed away Tuesday September 24th. Born in New York City, Harry began playing music in high school. He entered Yale in 1951 and quit in February 1953, having spent most of the year and a half playing bad Dixieland music instead of going to class.

Schroeder later joined the Marine Corps which included a tour in post war Korea. He returned to Yale, graduating in 1959. He won a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship and attended Harvard earning a master’s degree. Again, he returned to Yale, earning his doctorate and, in 1963, began a five-year stint on the Yale faculty teaching English Literature, specializing in Chaucer. To say Harry Schroeder was a smart guy would be a serious understatement.

Harry and his Berkley School of Music buddy Tim Mayer performing at the Ilse of Bones Concert in 2015.

In 1979, Harry came to the Keys to dive the reefs, and like many, fell in love and stayed. To make ends meet, he drove a cab until 1997. His first music gig was trombone with the Key West Funeral Band. In the 80s, he played with Conjunto Caribe, the fourteen-piece Latin jazz band. Later, along with Harry Chipchase and Edwar Weech, he was part of a quintet playing at Two Friends. In 1991, Harry began teaching English classes for St. Leo College in Key West and continued until retirement.

Jazz musician and professor Jerry Seeco met Harry at least forty years ago. Seeco taught at Berkley School of Music in Boston. Harry would hang out around the school as there was always a big band playing music and he would periodically sit in with Jerry’s class playing. Harry was a self-taught trombone player for the most part and Jerry taught him how to arrange music for a big band.

In 1997, renowned music educator Emily Lowe needed a chamber orchestra for the Keys Chorale. Harry assembled a group of musicians which included Jerry Seeco who helped with initial arrangements. It was a big success. From this gig, Schroeder along with Tim McAlpine, Skipper Kripitz, and Joe Dallas formed a group called Paradise Swing Band, which quickly morphed into Paradise Big Band. Harry got the keys to the high school band room to start rehearsals and after few months, they were ready.

Tim and Harry at one of his last Paradise Big Band Concerts.

Good friend Joe Dallas said, “He was like a father to me. Harry (and I) started the Paradise Big Band together, from day one, we created what it is today. At one point, he gave me the reigns and I’ll never forget that! He and I would dream things up and then actually do them! Harry is one of a kind!” Harry continued to write charts for the band. This will be the 27th year of the Paradise Big Band.

Another Berkley School of Music Alumni, Tim Mayer tells how Harry introduced him to Key West. “Harry took me straight to Tavern ‘N Town where Peter Diamond was singing with Dave Burns, Lonnie Jacobson, and Greg Sergo. I thought to myself, holy crap, if this is just another night here, how do I get in on this scene? Thank you, Harry.”

Harry’s favorite band was, naturally, Duke Ellington and his Big Band. The first concerts of the Paradise Big Band would perform tributes to the music of Duke Ellington. Almost every concert performed since has some Duke Ellington influence. Harry and Jerry Seeco would write the music charts for almost every concert. The two loved to consult and even argue about music arrangements. They understood the band’s capabilities and wrote charts to compliment the musicians. This was a key to the Paradise Big Band success over the years, they had custom charts written for their band. Many of Harry’s arrangements are being used by others today and have now outlived their author.

The Paradise Big Band performed at the San Carlos Institute for eight years then moved to the Tennessee Williams Theatre where they continue to perform two concerts annually. Executive Director Matthew Rawls calls them his “house band.”

One of Harry’s closest friends, over many years, was the late Mike Gillis who everyone considered a world class guitarist. Gillis’ resume included a three-page list of musicians and bands that he had performed with, including Count Basie All Stars and Tonight Show’s Doc Severinsen. Joe Dallas credits Gillis with developing his stand-up bass musicianship. Schroeder, the late Joe Dallas Sr., Joe Dallas Jr., and Gillis were instrumental (pun intended) in the Annual Isle of Bones Concert at Unitarian Church, on Petronia Street for ten years.

Harry loved The Isle of Bones concerts, as those events were more important to the musicians than anyone else. He enjoyed playing music with these special friends. Rest in peace my friend. We are all imagining you up there playing in Duke’s Big Band along with Mike Gillis and Joe Dallas, Sr.


Georges Hemund, Harry, Mike Gillis, Skipper Kripitz, Joe Dallas Jr., Bubba Lownotes, Joe Dallas Sr. at their beloved Isle of Bones Concert at the Unitarian Church on Petronia Street. Mike, Harry, and Joe Sr. are all performing in that heavenly Big Band.

One Comment

  • Hank says:

    God bless you, Harry. I am very grateful for all you taught me. The best of which was honesty and truth, in syncopated 4/4. I can hear you now.

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