Your Copy of the Soul of Havana

For Just $20!

“My books explain, entertain, and inform the readers about Key West and Havana music scenes.”

Cuba has been an island of mystery to most U.S. citizens.


The Soul of Havana is one of those projects that had to be done.  It’s a story that had to be written and photos that had to be shared.  The “Soul of Havana” is 115 full color photos of this beautiful island with 96 pages that tell the story of the Havana music scene.

Its a four year labor of love.  Involving 8 visits to Havana, Viñales, Trinidad, brushing up my Spanish on Babbel, and enjoying some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. I have thousands of photos, a dozen interviews, tens of meetings, frequenting a large number of music venues in Havana (I had to get the story).

 There is a very shortlist of cities in the Americas that have celebrated a 500th birthday. November 16, 2019, the citizens of Havana hosted the 500th Anniversary of the founding of their beautiful city by Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar.

Havana hosts a Jazz Festival annually for the past 35 years. In 2016 New Orleans Grammy Award winning musicians were invited to perform. In 2017 the New Orleans Jazz Festival honored Cuba as the “Guest Country”. In May 2017 Cuba hosted the International Jazz Day celebration.

The Havana music culture continues. Enjoy this beautiful book and with 115 color photos of this gorgeous island and the stories of the Havana music scene. For your enjoyment I’ve added a few pages of Havana’s finest music venues.






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